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Haydn Vernals

Mobile : 07803 714 574
e-mail : haydn@sevenairs.co.uk



We help our clients towards a reduction in road casualties.  Our early involvement can make a big difference in the safety of final design of a scheme and avoid abortive cost.  We offer:

Road Safety Audit

Road Safety Audit in progressThe objective of the road safety audit process is to provide an effective, independent review of the road safety implications of engineering interventions for all road users. 

Sevenairs undertakes Road Safety Audits (RSA) for a variety of different clients, providing specialist road safety practitioners who meet the requirements of the current standard GG 119 and also when required appropriate RSA certificate of competency training and certification to meet the requirements of Directive 2008/96/EC (Certificate of Competency).

Our specialist team can prepare RSAs at all stages (1-4) across the the United Kingdom, with experience of working on networks managed by Highways England, Transport for London, Transport Scotland, other regional bodies and local authorities.  Our team have completed RSAs for government organisations, design consultants and private developers.

Sevenairs undertake over 100 Road Safety Audits each year.

Operational Safety

Operational safety on a motorway improvementSafety risk assessments support decision making on the viability of activities to be undertaken, including decisions to ’do nothing’, need to be supported by a safety risk assessment.

Sevenairs have experience in the preparation of safety risk assessments as outlined in GG 104, to assess the impact of a design decision on road workers, road users and other parties.  These assessments may be used to support the decision making process in design or the planning approval process.

We also have experience in the collaboration and preparation of operational safety PCF products on Highways England major projects, supporting the design process in the preparation of the Safety Plan and supporting documents through the stage gate approval process.

Collision Studies

Collision analysisGreat Britain now has one of the best road safety records in the world, but with around five people killed on Britain's roads every day there is much more to be done.

Collision studies help inform the next stage of decision making on collision reduction projects and planning applications for developers.  The process, may help identify sites for interventions, mass actions, route actions, or area wide schemes.

Sevenairs has significant experience in collision analysis, using either the raw data or report formats from the data holders.  We have been involved in the analysis of localised sites, route and area studies, and specific studies to support the deployment of safety cameras, targeted measures and other interventions.

Sevenairs also has experience in the preparation of fatal collision reports for highway authorities, reporting on how the network infrastructure may have influenced a collision where a death has occurred.


Walking and Cycling

Walking and CyclingWalking, Cycling and Horse-Riding Assessment and Review Reports (GG 142) are focused on non motorised user groups and aid the design process to include these user types and provide proportionate interventions.

Sevenairs are able to provide experienced engineers to work alongside the scheme design team leader and have prepared reports for a variety of clients for improvements and planning applications on both the trunk and local road networks.

Stakeholder consultation is part of the process and Sevenairs would typically involve rights of way and cycling officers at the highway authority, national and regional bodies, schools, local groups that represent walkers, cyclists, equestrians and disabled users as appropriate to the improvement proposed.